SharePoint 2013

21 posts

Change “SharePoint” text in the top bar

By default, on the top left of each SharePoint 2013 site there is a “SharePoint” text. This can be replaced by overriding a delegate control called “SuiteBarBrandingDelegate“. But if you simply want to change the text without writing any code, using 3 line PowerShell script is the easiest way. $webApp […]

Save SharePoint 2013 Publishing Site as Template

Microsoft is restricted saving SharePoint 2013 Publishing sites as templates. Here is the information you can find on Microsoft Support pages ( SharePoint does not support Save Site as Template option with the Publishing features turned on. The supported method to create templates for publishing sites is to use a site definition template and […]

PowerShell: Changing the Distributed Cache Service Managed Account

Changing managed account used for “Distributed Cache Service” is one of the things that cannot be done using the SharePoint Central Administrator. So as central admin advises you navigate to Security -> General Security -> Configure Service Accounts, find the “Distributed Cache Service” and select another managed account, it gives […]

SharePoint 2013 Certification Exams

Since Microsoft released SharePoint Server 2013 RTM, SharePoint community is heavily using it and trying to learn the new features. To test your SharePoint 2013 skills and get more job opportunities in your career you may think to take Microsoft certification exams. As usual Microsoft is working on the new certification paths […]

Learning Roadmaps for SharePoint 2013

Learning roadmap articles for SharePoint 2013 have been published recently at TechNet. There are several articles and documents for different knowledge and experience levels. Learning roadmap is defined as follows: A Learning Roadmap steps new-to-technology or experienced IT Pros through the set of published text or multimedia resources to build […]

SharePoint Balsamiq Mockups

If you’re intended to prototype your SharePoint screens in your projects, you can use Balsamiq tool for drawing mock-up screens. Balsamiq is very useful wire-framing tool which provides lots of templates for drawing mock-up screens. You can find lots of templates from myBalsamiq site. For SharePoint 2013, James Sturges has prepared a mock-up template. So you can easily prepare wire-frame of a SharePoint […]

SharePoint 2013 Ignite Training Notes

Last week I attended the “SharePoint Ignite for Developers” training in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. SharePoint Ignite program is designed to give as much as learning material on the brand “new” SharePoint to the developers and IT people as soon as possible. SharePoint 2013 has massive amount of changes both in […]

SharePoint Foundation 2013 Installation Problems

I finally installed SharePoint Foundation 2013 Preview. I preferred standalone installation, but I got some errors during installation (Products Configuration Wizard). I don’t know if these errors occur in farm installation.I found a solution on Microsoft support forums. Here is the link of that forum post. Before the errors I […]

SharePoint 2013 Preview Download

Today Microsoft has officially announced Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013. Official Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Page Installation Guide for SharePoint 2013 Here are the download links for SharePoint 2013 Preview. There is a PowerShell script in Jeff Jones’s blog to download everything all […]

SharePoint 15 release date

Microsoft unintentionally announced the release date of Office 15 suite. An official roadmap for Office 15 is found on Dutch Microsoft site by Maarten Visser. He also explained how he found the roadmap with a video on YouTube. According to the Microsoft roadmap SharePoint 15 Beta will be released in […]