Monthly archives: March 2013

5 posts

Book Review: Pomodoro Technique Illustrated

I’ve just finished listening Staffan Noteberg‘s Pomodoro Technique Illustrated book. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down periods of work into 25-minute intervals called ‘Pomodori’ (from the Italian word for ‘tomatoes’) separated by breaks. Closely related to concepts such as timeboxing and iterative and […]

SharePoint 2013 Certification Exams

Since Microsoft released SharePoint Server 2013 RTM, SharePoint community is heavily using it and trying to learn the new features. To test your SharePoint 2013 skills and get more job opportunities in your career you may think to take Microsoft certification exams. As usual Microsoft is working on the new certification paths […]

Learning Roadmaps for SharePoint 2013

Learning roadmap articles for SharePoint 2013 have been published recently at TechNet. There are several articles and documents for different knowledge and experience levels. Learning roadmap is defined as follows: A Learning Roadmap steps new-to-technology or experienced IT Pros through the set of published text or multimedia resources to build […]

SharePoint Balsamiq Mockups

If you’re intended to prototype your SharePoint screens in your projects, you can use Balsamiq tool for drawing mock-up screens. Balsamiq is very useful wire-framing tool which provides lots of templates for drawing mock-up screens. You can find lots of templates from myBalsamiq site. For SharePoint 2013, James Sturges has prepared a mock-up template. So you can easily prepare wire-frame of a SharePoint […]