SharePoint 2013

21 posts

How to recover SharePoint_Config database from Suspect state

Recently my SharePoint sites and Central Administration site became not accessible. After some inspection I found that they cannot access SharePoint Config database. When I checked SharePoint_Config database by SQL Management Studio I saw that SharePoint_Config database is marked as Suspect. That is the first time that I saw a […]

Error 413 on Provider Hosted Apps

A few days ago we’ve got a strange “413” error while we’re testing our provider hosted application on our SP 2013 development environment. The description of the error is “Request Entity too large” which doesn’t make sense because as the description implies we know that this error can occur while […]

RePoint Infoscreen App

From now on I’m going to share useful applications for SharePoint 2013 on my blog. Here is the first one that I saw on Microsoft SharePoint’s facebook page. The RePoint InfoScreen module delivers an easy-to-use system to create good looking, responsive infoscreens that can be displayed on any internet browser. […]

InfoPath Error: Form Server Templates are not accessible

A strange error occurred in one of my projects. In my SharePoint 2013 environment, I’ve a web application running on port 80. When I need another web app, I gave it port 89. After giving a CNAME , I setup AAM and IIS bindings so that users can access my web app by writing instead of […]

Anonymous access and custom masterpage problem

Lately I was working on a SharePoint portal project which has to be accessed anonymously. I’ve set up everything and it seems everything was working till I’ve created a custom masterpage. Suddenly the pages using that masterpage started to ask user credentials even they are allowed for anonymous access. After […]

SPC14 Session: Update on InfoPath and SharePoint forms

Update on InfoPath and SharePoint forms Presented by Greg Lindhorst, Sonya Koptyev, Bob Riper Contextual process apps Awareness of relevant data and content Capture of documents and forms Analysis Collaboration Technical product roadmap It was a very good product 10 years ago, but things change 🙂 Microsoft is still looking […]

SPC14 Session: Advanced Performance Analysis for SharePoint

Advanced Performance Analysis for SharePoint Presented by Ryan Campbell Perfomance Pyramid  Bottom to up: Server Performance Configuration Traffic LAN&WAN User Tools Performance monitor (Server performance) Load testing (server performance and configuration) : It’s good for pushing SharePoint but not good for comparing pages. Browser timers (User and LAN&WAN): No version comparison Network […]

SPC14 Session: SharePoint Power Hour

SharePoint Power Hour – New developer APIs and features for Apps for SharePoint  Presented by Rob Howard Coming next: First solution pack for site provisioning New public open source codeplex project for app model samples. More solution packs on the way What’s new in apps  New sharepoint client components […]

SP24 Submission – The 24 Hour SharePoint Conference

Hi all, I’d like to announce that we applied as speakers at SP24 conference with my colleague Mete Bulutay ( If you want to hear us speaking about “Automated SharePoint Installation & Deployment”, you can vote us up via Here are some facts about SP24: 1.      Free for all attendees. 2.      It’s entirely on-line – so […]

Mask created/modified users in lists/libraries

You might want to hide created by and modified by information from the users. There are three ways to achieve this. First to way is masking the created by and modified by users in lists and libraries. Third one is actually a workaround by creating a new view which doesn’t […]