configuration wizard

3 posts

Cannot start service SPAdminV4 on computer “.”

Symptoms: While running SharePoint 2010 Configuration Wizard, you might get the following error message [stextbox id=”alert”]Cannot start service SPAdminV4 on computer “.”[/stextbox] SPAdminV4 service (SharePoint 2010 Administration service) is the main service of SharePoint which manages administrative SharePoint PowerShell commands. So without SPAdminV4 service running, SharePoint will not work properly. […]

SharePoint Foundation 2013 Installation Problems

I finally installed SharePoint Foundation 2013 Preview. I preferred standalone installation, but I got some errors during installation (Products Configuration Wizard). I don’t know if these errors occur in farm installation.I found a solution on Microsoft support forums. Here is the link of that forum post. Before the errors I […]

Office Web Apps Installation for SharePoint 2010

This blog contains the procedures to install Microsoft Office Web Apps on your SharePoint 2010 server farms. You must have admin privileges on your computer to install Office Web Apps. Office Web Apps are the online companions to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft OneNote applications. Office Web […]