Microsoft is restricted saving SharePoint 2013 Publishing sites as templates. Here is the information you can find on Microsoft Support pages ( SharePoint does not support Save Site as Template option with the Publishing features turned on. The supported method to create templates for publishing sites is to use a site definition template and […]
sharepoint designer
3 posts
You implement your web part, build and deploy it to your SharePoint server. However your web part page can give errors due to a bug in your code or some other problem. Unfortunately in most cases web part page can not be opened in edit mode. There are many scenarios that causes this kind of […]
For some time we’ve been looking for the best development environment for SharePoint 2010. Different than other earlier SharePoint versions, SP2010 can be installed on Windows 7 or Windows Visto for development purposes. Other alternative for development is using virtual machines. I think virtual machine option has still more advantages. […]