
35 posts

userdisp.aspx gives error 404 not found

The issue is when you click on another user’s name to view him/her information you get a page cannot be displayed error. The link that should work is…etc. If you append query parameter “Force=True” to the url, then it works fine. After some googling I’ve found several blog posts […]

SP24 Rewound

Great news for the ones who missed our SP24 Session. On May 14th 2014 – entire SP24 conference will be re-run and re-shuffled which is called as “SP24 Rewound”. SP Rewound will be again 24 hours conference but the sessions will be re-shuffled to give an opportunity to attendees who missed sessions because of the time […]

Anonymous access and custom masterpage problem

Lately I was working on a SharePoint portal project which has to be accessed anonymously. I’ve set up everything and it seems everything was working till I’ve created a custom masterpage. Suddenly the pages using that masterpage started to ask user credentials even they are allowed for anonymous access. After […]

SPC14 Session: Update on InfoPath and SharePoint forms

Update on InfoPath and SharePoint forms Presented by Greg Lindhorst, Sonya Koptyev, Bob Riper Contextual process apps Awareness of relevant data and content Capture of documents and forms Analysis Collaboration Technical product roadmap It was a very good product 10 years ago, but things change 🙂 Microsoft is still looking […]

SPC14 Session: Advanced Performance Analysis for SharePoint

Advanced Performance Analysis for SharePoint Presented by Ryan Campbell Perfomance Pyramid  Bottom to up: Server Performance Configuration Traffic LAN&WAN User Tools Performance monitor (Server performance) Load testing (server performance and configuration) : It’s good for pushing SharePoint but not good for comparing pages. Browser timers (User and LAN&WAN): No version comparison Network […]

SPC14 Session: SharePoint Power Hour

SharePoint Power Hour – New developer APIs and features for Apps for SharePoint  Presented by Rob Howard Coming next: First solution pack for site provisioning New public open source codeplex project for app model samples. More solution packs on the way What’s new in apps  New sharepoint client components […]

Delete Page Layouts / Master Pages by PowerShell Script

In one of my projects we needed a PowerShell script for deleting an unnecessary page layout for all web application. Here is the script that I wrote. This is not only for page layouts, it can be used for masterpages. param ( [string]$WebApplicationUrl = “”, [string]$PageLayoutName = “” ) Remove-PSSnapin […]

Live coverage of SharePoint Conference 2014

The biggest SharePoint event of the year is around the corner. I’m very lucky that I won’t miss the opportunity to participate in SPC14. During the event I’m going to share session contents, news, updates on my blog. [tminus t=”03-03-2014 09:00:00″ before=” Live Coverage of SharePoint Conference 2014will begin in […]