SharePoint 2013 için hazırladığım kullanıcı eğitimi sunumlarını sırayla buradan paylaşacağım. Bu serinin ikincisi olan “SharePoint 2013 Siteler” sunumunu aşağıda bulabilirsiniz. [slideshare id=25616351&doc=2-130826173740-phpapp01&w=600] SharePoint 2013’e Giriş SharePoint 2013 Siteler SharePoint 2013 Listeler SharePoint 2013 İşbirliği Araçları SharePoint 2013 Doküman Kütüphaneleri ve Doküman Yönetimi SharePoint 2013 Görünümler SharePoint 2013 Uyarı ve Hatırlatma Sistemi […]
Yearly archives: 2013
SharePoint 2013 için hazırladığım kullanıcı eğitimi sunumlarını sırayla buradan paylaşacağım. Bu serinin ilki olan “SharePoint 2013’e Giriş” sunumunu aşağıda bulabilirsiniz. [slideshare id=25616264&doc=1-130826173301-phpapp01&w=600] SharePoint 2013’e Giriş SharePoint 2013 Siteler SharePoint 2013 Listeler SharePoint 2013 İşbirliği Araçları SharePoint 2013 Doküman Kütüphaneleri ve Doküman Yönetimi SharePoint 2013 Görünümler SharePoint 2013 Uyarı ve Hatırlatma Sistemi […]
Lately I haven’t been looking after my blog. So I’ve decided to make some changes in my blog and started with the general look & feel. Now the new UI design of my blog is ready 🙂 Hope you like it.. Another decision I’ve made is writing in both English […] artık Türkçe olarak yayında.. Bir süredir ingilizce olarak yayınladığım blogları bundan sonra Türkçe olarak da paylaşmaya karar verdim. Ayrıca blog’umun yeni tasarımını da beğenmeniz dileğiyle…
Changing managed account used for “Distributed Cache Service” is one of the things that cannot be done using the SharePoint Central Administrator. So as central admin advises you navigate to Security -> General Security -> Configure Service Accounts, find the “Distributed Cache Service” and select another managed account, it gives […]
I was encountered a familiar error while installing a Sharepoint 2013 environment. All of the ribbon items in central administration site was disabled. Furthermore some of the important options such as “manage services in the server”, “farm configuration wizard” were missing. I run IE as administrator (or run with the […]
I’ve just finished listening Staffan Noteberg‘s Pomodoro Technique Illustrated book. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down periods of work into 25-minute intervals called ‘Pomodori’ (from the Italian word for ‘tomatoes’) separated by breaks. Closely related to concepts such as timeboxing and iterative and […]
Since Microsoft released SharePoint Server 2013 RTM, SharePoint community is heavily using it and trying to learn the new features. To test your SharePoint 2013 skills and get more job opportunities in your career you may think to take Microsoft certification exams. As usual Microsoft is working on the new certification paths […]
Learning roadmap articles for SharePoint 2013 have been published recently at TechNet. There are several articles and documents for different knowledge and experience levels. Learning roadmap is defined as follows: A Learning Roadmap steps new-to-technology or experienced IT Pros through the set of published text or multimedia resources to build […]
Cascading Style Sheet usage is very common in SharePoint. Almost every thing in SharePoint UI is styled by CSS. So to customize your SharePoint sites you have to know which style rules SharePoint use. You don’t have to be a CSS Guru but you have to know the basics. SharePoint […]