Daily archives: October 24, 2012

3 posts

Changing Site Collection Administrators using PowerShell

Site collections can have two administrators and you can modify them through SharePoint Central Administration. But if you need to change these admins using PowerShell script you can use the following PowerShell function. I filtered site collections with the url to find the appropriate site collection. You can define a parameter […]

Change Farm Level Property Bag using PowerShell

Property bag is simply thw properties of web site, site collection, web application and farm. So in order to interact with the PropertyBags in PowerShell, just use the related object’s Propeties member. In the following example I used the farm object’s Properties member to edit farm level property bag. So you […]

Batch Solution Deploy using PowerShell

Nowadays I’m working on a SharePoint deployment project using Advanced Installer, AutoSPInstaller and custom PowerShell scripts. One of that script deploys a set of solution packages in a given order. Order is important if you have dependencies between the solutions. So I defined  the name of the solutions and the order of them in a xml file. In […]