I would like to highlight a perfect agile training opportunity which will be in Ankara, Turkey. ScrumTurkey is organizing an agile management course for especially development managers and team leaders. The course will be tought by Jurgen Appelo (author of “Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders” and “How to Change the World: Change Management 3.0“) in Turkey, Ankara on 29th – 30th January 2013.
Agile management is an often overlooked part of Agile. There is much information available for Agile developers, testers, and project managers, but very little for development managers and team leaders. However, when organizations adopt Agile software development, not only developers, testers, and project managers need to learn new practices. Development managers and team leaders must also learn a new approach to leading and managing Agile organizations. Several studies indicate that “old-style” managers are the biggest obstacle in transitions to Agile software development. Development managers and team leaders need to learn what their new role is in Agile software development organizations. This course is designed to help them.
Eight main topics includes at least one game or exercise will be where people put into practice the ideas of the course in groups of five or six people will be covered in two days training. Please check ScrumTurkey’s course page for more detailed information and registration link.
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- Fees for the course: Early Bird (until 1 Ocak 2013) 1000 EURO + TAX, Normal Fee (after 1 Ocak 2013) 1100 EURO + TAX
- Course will be conducted during 2 days between 09:00 – 17:00
- Course materials, refreshments and lunch is included in course fee